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Writer's pictureJaime-Lee Coffey

Welcome to This Nerd Life

Hi, I'm Jaime. I'm one of the writers for This Nerd Life. What is this all about? Well, simply put, it's a collaborative blog with people who enjoy all aspects of pop culture and nerd related stuff. This includes crafts, reviews of films, books, games, and more.

At present there are three people who are running this site. I will let them introduce themselves and will just focus on me for this post...

I'm a high school English teacher from New Zealand. My first true fandom was Star Wars which was introduced to me by my father. I had a lot of surgery when I was a kid so watching adventures with a self rescuing Princess was a great way to deal with everything.

I'm an avid reader though not as avid as I feel I want to be. I'm also the resident gamer on the site. I currently play mostly on a PS4. My favourite games include The Last of Us, Batman Arkham Knight (and City) and Horizon Zero Dawn.

I also travel to Conventions when I can. I have been attending San Diego Comic Con for the last few years.

I would love to list all of my favourite things but thought I would just start us off with a quick introduction. So here's what I'm up to at the moment.

1. I just started reading Legends by Marie Lu.

2. I just finished the main game in Horizon Zero Dawn.

3. I just started watching The Flash (I know I'm behind...)

4. I've watched The Last Jedi twice and intend to go again.

5. I'm currently waiting arrival of my Passion Planner so I can kick the new year off somewhat organised.

Here is me as a pop funko...

So if you have any questions or just want to say hi just send through an email.

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