I have recently been binge watching the first few series and it is extraordinary to see just how the series has grown and evolved over the years - i.e. the makeup and effects (the Walkers are getting more gruesome by the season).
This week marked the return of the post-apocalyptic horror television series, The Walking Dead for the second half of it’s eight season and man was it a tear-jerker of an episode #RIPCarl :-(
I know that the ratings for the show are decreasing and a lot of people have gone off it for various reasons, but I personally still love it a lot and here is why:
For one, it’s really about the Walkers. It’s about he survivors, the people, the relationships they form and how humans react when they are in high pressure situations (sometimes you only get to see just a few Walkers per episode),
The ‘Villians’ are awesome. The Governor will always be a hated man - pure evil.
This anxiety this show has given me feels so unreal. I become so involved in the characters and the storyline that they feel like family (and yes I have cried when they have died).
The females, are bad-ass! Carol and Michone kick ass like it’s their normal job.

Rick’s one-liner “Stuff and Thangs” has become part of my everyday vocabulary.
It gives me purpose on a Monday knowing that another episode is on that night.
I have in depth discussions and debates with my work colleagues the next day (and sometimes lasts the week). I even listen to podcasts about it and watching Chris Hardwick on the Talking Dead on my tablet right after the show. Yes I am addicted.
Each episode has shown us that anyone can die at anytime, by any means. It doesn’t matter if they are main character or not and I would personally join the riots on the streets if they even kills of my favourite characters!
My Favourite Characters

The bromance between Rick and Daryl is always a favourite of mine. Yes they fight and need time apart now and again, but what couple doesn’t?
Mama Bear Carol has changed so much, from a mouse to a lion - she is a bad-ass! She is a force to be reckoned with, and makes cookies on the side.
He isn’t part of the peace-making group, but I gotta say Negan is a fave of mine too. His attitude and staunchness is a polar opposite to everyone else.
The King himself, Ezekiel (I want this guy to narrate my life!) spoke with

such strength and passion. He saw the good in everyone, and had a pet tiger to boot.
My Not-so Favourite Characters.
I found Lori to be a pain in a** to be honest. She was constantly complaining and playing Rick and Shane against each other.
Just how pregnant is Maggie? I thought it was months since she became preggers but there doesn’t seem to be any sight of her showing at all. Am I missing something?
Anyway, getting back to Monday’s episode

I will miss Carl, he was a great character and had been through a lot (from getting shot, having to put down his Dad’s best friend, having to kill his own mother, losing his eye etc). He grew from a small scared boy to a strong man and a hero.
This will break Rick (and the rest of the crew), but I am excited to see how they all handle this and how they will continue on. Will RIck take Carl’s advise and go back to peace existence in Alexandria like his dreams (seeing Negan in the vege garden was cool scene), or will he go on a revenge rampage against the Saviours?
I have so many questions. What was in the letters he wrote? How will Negan take the news of Carl’s passing? ( they seemed to have somewhat of a weird bond).
Check out this cute video of video of Andrew Lincoln (Rick) singing about Chandler Riggs (Carl)
And how about that gut-wrenching scene (pun-intended) with Morgan? The man is going completely Freddy Krueger. It was shot so amazingly though, from the dragging of his pointy stick through the sand to his eerie shadow on the door - top-notch horror movie stuff right there.
The crazy number of characters we have lost and the situations all our faves are in (and have been through) just keep me wanting more and I will be tuning in right to the very last episode.
What do you love about The Walking Dead? Do you have any favourite, or not-so favourite characters? What are you hoping with happen this/next season?