Tomorrow tickets go on sale for Armageddon Wellington Expo 2018 and I am stoked! I know it will hit my bank balance hard, but it’s well worth it (check out the line-up here).
In the meantime, here is a round up of my experience at last years Armageddon Auckland:
I knew this event was going to be huge, but I was astounded at the size and content of the whole thing. Beyond Reality, the organisers of the expo, described the event as a record-breaker (“single biggest public expo that Auckland has ever seen”), with 59,533 physical tickets sold, resulting in an approximate total audience of 70,000, one of our highest numbers ever!! Wow
They really did outdo themselves with bringing such amazing legends of nerdom to Auckland, including:
John Barrowman - Torchwood, Doctor Who, Arrow
Nathan Fillion - Firefly, Castle, Buffy
David Blue - Stargate Universe
Osric Chau - Supernatural
Tom Felton - Harry Potter
Pom Klementieff - Guardians of the Galaxy II
And many more
I did end up spending a lot of money (more than I budgeted for anyway), but how could I not when they had such a massive range of products ‘calling me’ to be taking home (lol).
Mighty Ape, Colbalt Heights, EB Games and so many more helped to contribute to the large ‘dent’ left in bank account - but I am not complaining as I got some really cool stuff.

Through all the hussle and bussle of SO many people, I was able to navigate my way through quite easily (thanks to the handy-dandy map supplied in the goodie bag). I was really impressed how everything was laid out and the gaming displays was quite spectacular. The crowd was amped too, there were even impromptu dances offs (with dinosaurs).

The whole event was nothing short of great and it was so incredible to see many high profile celebrities and meet cool new friends (like Jaime hehe). I had a fantastic time and encourage nerds and pop culture enthusiasts of all ages to attend an Armageddon Expo.
Anna :-)